
who is the workbook for

Anyone who has a desire for personal growth and empowerment. If you are ready to step out of victim consciousness and step into an empowered state of ‘beingness’ by taking accountability of your current thoughts and personal programming, heal them and to then move yourself into a higher version of self.

what are the benefits

Greater confidence and self-assurance in one’s abilities and decisions.
Increased resilience and ability to bounce back from setbacks or challenges.
Enhanced self-esteem and positive self-image.
Improved mental and emotional well-being, leading to reduced stress and anxiety.
Stronger sense of self-respect and self-acceptance.
More fulfilling and satisfying relationships, both personal and professional.
Increased motivation and drive to pursue goals and aspirations.
Greater willingness to take risks and step outside of your comfort zone.
Improved communication skills and assertiveness in expressing needs and boundaries.
Greater sense of empowerment and control over one’s life and choices.
You create a stronger sense of resilience.
In valuing yourself you create love and respect from others.
Feel inspired to follow your unique purpose and passion and find fulfillment in your unique gifts.
You will serve as a role model and inspire others to cultivate self-worth and pursue their dreams.

learning style

Self-paced workbook and online interactive worksheet series.
Start anytime and work at your own pace

what’s included

11 Shadow Work Lessons: Address personal, familial, religious, spiritual, and environmental shadows through targeted lessons.

Practical Tools: Engage with two worksheet series that resolve the energy around low self-worth.

Understanding and Reprogramming: Learn how to rewire neural pathways and transform limiting beliefs.

Exploring the Shadow Self: Identify, embrace, and integrate hidden aspects of yourself, knowing where they came from and how they were created.

Social Masks and Authenticity: Uncover social masks, their impacts, and how they block authenticity.

Self-Reflection and Growth: Reflect on life as a mirror, transformation, and aligning with your true purpose.

Steps to Empowerment: Establish new boundaries, embrace authenticity, and follow steps to cultivate high self-worth through cultivating new behaviours of high self-worth.

Spiritual terminology and understanding: Understand the principles and spiritual terminology to empower your life, the way you interact and engage with every human with a deeper love and reverence.

what is your investment

AUD450 (plus any applicable goods, services and sales tax Start and complete within 6 months of purchase

invest in you

Anyone who has a desire for personal growth and empowerment. If you are ready to step out of victim consciousness and step into an empowered state of ‘beingness’ by taking accountability of your current thoughts and personal programming, heal them and to then move yourself into a higher version of self.

what’s included

Empower Within Image

pricing / $450 AUD

(plus any applicable goods, services and sales tax)

Start and complete within 6 months of purchase

  • 11 Shadow Work Lessons.
  • Practical Tools.
  • Understanding and Reprogramming.
  • Exploring the Shadow Self.
  • Social Masks and Authenticity.
  • Self-Reflection and Growth.
  • Steps to Empowerment.
  • Spiritual terminology and understanding.

do you have any questions?

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Simply enter your name and email and we will send you a free copy of our introductory Gratitude Journal and a link to the Gratitude Meditation. Embrace an attitude of gratitude with this daily practice for the next thirty days and watch the magic unfold, allowing you to experience a new found joy, awe and appreciation of your life.

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