Would mentoring around relationships benefit me?

We are in relationships with every human on the planet. Relationships are part of being human.  It is also where we have the most challenges. Through relationships we have developed parts of the ‘self’, and there can be many self-depreciating and self-worth stories that have then been creating patterns in our relationships. In understanding your energetics around relationships and resolving your past timelines it will lead you into a deeper understanding of what is happening from a spiritual perspective. In doing that your relationships will evolve in ways you never thought possible.

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Why do I need to work on my mind set around my relationships?

When you are aware that all relationships are a projection of your beliefs and your world is in resonance to your emotional frequency, you become ultimately accountable in shifting your emotions and transforming your timelines. In transforming how you feel by accessing 5th dimensional thinking and releasing 3rd dimension coding, you will create a deeper relationship within yourself and with others. Relationships are a spiritual experiences here to help us evolve and expand into a higher consciousness.

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Why is our working on the ‘shadow-self’ important in relationships?

To evolve your thinking and concepts around your beliefs and past experiences is part of your evolution. Deep diving into your own personal energetics, past experiences and knowing the beliefs you created will give you clarity and understanding. Dissolving these limited beliefs and timelines using the Empower Within technology, collapses fear-based energetics allowing more love, compassion and understanding into all relationships. This technology will empower and increase your life force energy and embody a supreme thinking power, which allows you to step beyond fears into the creative dynamic force that is you.

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